My Openwrt setup is as follows:

Openwrt router is connected to ADSL router wirelessly through bridge mode and ADSL router handles all the IPs. In Openwrt router I have a "Client" station and then there are 2 Wireless AP stations currently. There are 3 different interfaces for lan, namely lan, lan2, lan3.

Router lan ports are connected to "lan" interface; Wifi 1 is connected to lan2; Wifi 2 is connected to lan3;

I did this to handle QoS speeds for clients. Since Openwrt doesn't handle any IPs there is no DHCP server enabled on the system.

Now I am wondering if it is possible to change the specified interface for, let's say, if there was only one AP and it was assigned to 2 different interfaces and if the client connects to that wifi the router checks the IP address and assigns an interface to the client. The wifi is already on two interfaces so client just gets connected to either one of them based on their IP.

I hope that makes sense.

Is that possible to do that? Any suggestions about that? Please be gentle here because I am a noob kinda guy here. Thanks
P.S. I am using the new LEDE firmware based on Openwrt in the router and the router is TP-Link MR3420 v2 with a USB set up.

See an image here:!Au9VmMwLylkznapzpoFMDqk5wsFrRQ

(Last edited by redd_llining on 16 Dec 2017, 15:41)