Hi all
I'm trying to use curl on OpenWrt to read and update a camera via its rest api. The camera won't do basic auth so I'm trying to use digest auth.
Testing with curl on MacOS works well. But exactly the same command line to curl on OpenWrt returns a 401 error.
Here's the command line:
curl --digest -v -G -u user:password --data "action=setConfig&VideoWidget[0].CustomTitle[1].Text=Success" camera_url
In verbose mode on MacOS the first response is a "401 Unauthorized", after which curl prints "Issue another request to this URL:" and re-issues the request with a populated Authorization header. Request accepted; all good.
The same curl command line on OpenWrt gets the same "401 Unauthorized" initial response, but curl does not issue the follow-up request with an Authorization header.
I'm working with curl 7.54.0 on MacOS; curl 7.40.0 on OpenWrt.
Any and all suggestions welcome!
Many thanks