Hi All,
My first post on OpenWrt. I feel really small now fighting with my EdgeRouterLite. I managed to install OpenWRT on it. I thought it was easier to learn OpenWrt instead of using the OS delivered with the modem. I have never used any other devices then those for end-users.
My problem is as followed; I cant continue the steps to install my OpenVPN. In my nation-state more and more things are logged and I believed it was time to start using a VPN. My desire is not to use it on every single device - but to install it in a router. I would be able to get 90Mbit with the EdgeRouterLite and in this way save a few bucks on a new VPN router. Also i believed it would be nicer to learn a bit how network configuration works instead of just buy a new device what does everything for me. But now I'm close to use that option as I'm stuck.
I installed a second Ethernet network card. One has DHCP on and connects to my ISP modem/router and the other one to the static adres from the EdgeRouterLite with OpenWRT. I can acces both the internet and the router.
Unfortunatly when I login to the Linux distro on the EdgeRouterLite with SSH I'm still not able to run opkg update - as there is not connection. I was hoping the connection would run true my system. This seems to not be the case.
I would like to know how I can setup my EdgerouterLite to connect to the internet while i keep my connection to the devide to connect SSH? So i can run some commands wich require a connection to the internet to install like apkg update / apkg openvpn-openssl.
Hope you guys can help me out. Otherwise it will be just a walk to the shop to fix my issue and I learned nothing usefull...
(Last edited by D3CrpTy on 18 Dec 2017, 01:24)