OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Completly lost With EdgeRouterLite and OPEN-WRT no connect to internet

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi All,

My first post on OpenWrt. I feel really small now fighting with my EdgeRouterLite. I managed to install OpenWRT on it. I thought it was easier to learn OpenWrt instead of using the OS delivered with the modem. I have never used any other devices then those for end-users.

My problem is as followed; I cant continue the steps to install my OpenVPN. In my nation-state more and more things are logged and I believed it was time to start using a VPN. My desire is not to use it on every single device - but to install it in a router. I would be able to get 90Mbit with the EdgeRouterLite and in this way save a few bucks on a new VPN router. Also i believed it would be nicer to learn a bit how network configuration works instead of just buy a new device what does everything for me. But now I'm close to use that option as I'm stuck.

I installed a second Ethernet network card. One has DHCP on and connects to my ISP modem/router and the other one to the static adres from the EdgeRouterLite with OpenWRT. I can acces both the internet and the router.

Unfortunatly when I login to the Linux distro on the EdgeRouterLite with SSH I'm still not able to run opkg update - as there is not connection. I was hoping the connection would run true my system. This seems to not be the case.

I would like to know how I can setup my EdgerouterLite to connect to the internet while i keep my connection to the devide to connect SSH? So i can run some commands wich require a connection to the internet to install like apkg update / apkg openvpn-openssl.

Hope you guys can help me out. Otherwise it will be just a walk to the shop to fix my issue and I learned nothing usefull...

(Last edited by D3CrpTy on 18 Dec 2017, 01:24)

I'm not entirely sure I understand why you have things connected the way I understand you do....

The edgerouter should have its wan port plugged into the isp modem which ideally will be set to bridge mode.  Even if you don't have access to that device your isp will likely do this for you with a phone call.   The wan port should be set to  whatever protocol your isp needs, likely dhcp.  Once that connection is established then everything will connect through the edgerouter.  Once that is working, opkg will work and you can begin the vpn client setup.

It is possible to bridge the two network cards in your computer and point the default gateway in the edgerouter to isp device but that is not going to do you much good in the end when you want vpn working.

The discussion might have continued from here.