OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Google dns adres in OpenWrt

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have a quick question.
I've got a Netgear router with openwrt on it.
Now I got my Xbox one hooked up on the router.
The Xbox one says I use the following dns addres:
Is it possible to change the dns address in the router to googles dns address? So my Xbox one automatically sees the Google dns address?.

Kind regards,


In principle, yes. Looks like actually the Netgear is running caching DNS (dnsmasq, most likely), so it sets the DNS server adrs to its own.
Has the general advantage of using the routers DNS cache for all connected devices.
Possible to disable the DNS cache (dnsmasq), and (always) use Needs change of the settings in Netgear.
Nte, that this might slow down DNS-resolution for _all_ connected devices a little bit.
More sophisticated, but rather complicated setup, would allow the XBox _only_ to use as DNS.

BTW: Why to use goggles DNS on XBox ?

Thanks for you replay.

I play gta online and several isp in the Netherlands changed a setting in the dns address so now most people can't connect to gta online with there own isp dns address.

I already tried to change the dns on my Xbox, but that doesn't help. That's why I want to change the dns settings in my router. It doesn't really have to be google it may also be opendns or some other dns address.

So if someone could help me out with a simple tutorial on how to change my dns in the router that would be awesome!

Kind regards.

Your router is acting as a DNS cache to all the devices in the network; that is why the XBOX is using the router as a DNS. Keep it like that, but configure the router to use Google's DNS instead. In the WAN interface configuration, uncheck "use dns advertised by peer", and put Google's DNS at "use custom DNS servers".

The discussion might have continued from here.