OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Set up PPPOE on a newly installed router

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I installed openwrt to my router.
router: TP-Link WR842ND v2

I managed to connect via putty changed the password.
After that I went to: /etc/config and edited the network file (vi network):

config interface 'wan'
        option ifname 'eth1'
        option proto 'pppoe'
        option username 'username'
        option password 'password'

Then I saved the file with :wq and tried to reload the settings:

/etc/init.d/network reload

Unfortunately I received the message below (twice):
'radio0 is disabled'

Because of my internet provider I must set up pppoe.
Can somebody help me out. I'm not an expert. I just would like to install and use the web gui.


That "radio disabled" message is because you have not yet enabled the wifi radio.  It doesn't have anything to do with pppoe.

If pppoe has connected successfully, ifconfig will show there is a pppoe-wan interface with your public IP address.  The logread command can be used to see log messages including those from the pppoe driver.

network restart does more than network reload.  It pretty much cold-starts everything network related and should be used to try connecting again.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Unfortunately there is no  such interface.
I tried logread but the logs doesn't tell me much because I'm not sure what's what.

I also tried restart but it didn't changed anything.
Probably I misconfigured something by the pppoe but I have no idea what.

Switch to a release build such as this one.  It includes the web interface. … pgrade.bin
You can also use the older OpenWrt build here: … pgrade.bin
though I recommend the LEDE one.
Download the bin to your PC then scp it to the router's /tmp directory.   Log in to the router, cd /tmp, and run sysupgrade -n on the file.  The -n option will remove any configs and give you a clean start.

(Last edited by mk24 on 31 Dec 2017, 22:11)

Based on your description Lede was successfully installed.
Thus I could set all the necessary configurataion and now the router is working well.
Thank you very much and Happy New Year!

The discussion might have continued from here.