OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Does OpenWRT has support for Hotspot 2.0 aka passpoint?

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Does OpenWRT based router be configured to be a client of an AP that uses Hotspot 2.0 or passpoint mode of authentication?


The 'hostapd' project, and more accurately its 'wpa_supplicant' side seems to have some level of support for this.

You might need to wrap the sleeves and modify the package responsible for building the sources of wpa_supplicant (this would be the 'hostapd' package found from the primary source tree), so as to configure the code-level switches responsible for enabling HS2.0 support.

You will also need to tinker around in the UCI configuration system so it knows how to read HS2.0 -related settings from /etc/config/wireless and write them to the wpa_supplicant's configuration file correctly.

Finally, you will need some fail-safe handling in the UCI system, in case some other WPA supplicant is being used (e.g. wpad, wpad-mini or hostapd-mini) which might not understand about HS2.0 -related settings in /etc/config/wireless.

The discussion might have continued from here.