OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: install on tp-link tl-wr1043nd versions 3 and 4

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I changed the thread, not to blur a content.
Reading forums on the topic, seems that people tend to install
successfuly, with some percent of failure, mostly on version 4.
Would someone clarify exact steps to do that, regarding both
versions? Wiki tends to be obsolete?
I will know what is current version in the shop only tomorrow,
when I read it on the box with my own eyes, as always.
Best regards.

(Last edited by zoranfooboo on 2 Jan 2018, 17:12)

zoranfooboo wrote:

Wiki tends to be obsolete?

Why that?

No mention of version 4.
There was a thread regarding this, but I cannot find it right now.
That thread made me nervous and ready to ask a question here.
I'm eager to hear what was done from someone successful in
installing on 1043.
Best regards.

Still waiting to learn what version of router it is, 3 or 4.
I found that on 3 I should install 15.5 first, than write
15.5.1 in temp dir and update from it.
For version 4 I would probably install trunk. I assume
there is no luci. opkg update and install luci probably.
Any experience with that in forum?

Using LEDE for 1043NDv4. Built my own image. Works.
menuconfig allows various versions of 1043.
Look for ready-to-run image, which should be there in trunk, t least.

Trunk would probably be the only solution. Cannot build an image,
since I use freebsd regurarly. An image seams to be small, so no
luci? I have to install it latter, I assume.
You helped me  a lot. I was desperate to find version 3. Whatever I
find, would make me no headache.
Best regrads.

The discussion might have continued from here.