OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Download and install packages without internet

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a TP-Link wr1043nd with openwrt 15.05.1 installed on it. I want to use the router to share my android phones mobile data connection through usb. I am following this tutorial on the wiki (I am not allowed to post links): USB Tethering to an OpenWrt router
But since I don't have internet access I can't download the kmod-usb-net and other packages. I can sign into the router with Putty and Winscp. So I want to download the packages manually then put them on the router with winscp and install them with putty. I am lost at which package I have to download. From the System -> Software -> Configuration page I got this url for the repository: downloads(dot)openwrt(dot)org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/base
If I want to download the kmod-usb-net package which one should I choose? There are 20 differnet versions.
Any help is appreciated.

It's not complicated to connect to the Internet temporarily.  Turn on the wifi hotspot in your phone and set up a wifi STA for it in the router, then attach it to the WAN network instead of the Ethernet port.  This is a routed client.

Installing kmod-usb-net-rndis should bring in the others as dependencies.

The discussion might have continued from here.