this has kept me busy for days now and I still haven't found a way to resolve it:
Installed OpenWrt on an ASUS RT-N56U and configured it to work as a repeater following this description:
https://geeklabor.de/archives/198-OpenW … elayd.html
Got everything working fine, but then there is one issue that I can't cope with: Any device being connected to the LAN ports only gets a local IPv6 address. When in contrast to that I use the wireless connection everything is fine. Both laptop and cell phone receive a public IPv6 address and everything works like a charm.
Why doesn't that work for the LAN ports as well? The main router is a Fritz!Box 7490 by the way.
Thanks for any kind of help in advance
(Last edited by taxidriver on 6 Jan 2018, 11:41)