It wont accapt stock when i load into upgrade firmver how to do these? How to revert from openwrt to stock WA901v4 ap rputer
Topic: How to revert from openwrt to stock WA901NDv4
The content of this topic has been archived on 16 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
1. download stripped down bin version (with uboot cut off) from fried zombie (
2. firmware update as usual
3. now you have original firmware, which you can reflash with newest from tpl website
edit: shucks, he does not have v4 there :-( I quess you will have to strip uboot yourself, but to do that you will have to find uboot size or pm/email friedzombie, he's a nice guy, he'll help you.
(Last edited by nozombian on 7 Jan 2018, 18:39)
shucks do not have v4
is there webrevert for version four tplink wireless access point 901
still same router reboot and power on in lede
solved thank you
The discussion might have continued from here.