I would like to setup my pi3 as AP. Once that is done, my thought is to connect it to my son's xbox and let him connect to our network. Plus it's self powered and can service his room. Any thoughs?
Topic: Raspberry Pi 3
The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Using RPI3 as a wireless AP that is connected by Ethernet to an upstream device, or as a wireless repeater extending another wireless network doesn't really use the RPI3's full potential. I would consider doing so only if I had an extra RPI3 around with no better use.
If I was buying a new device, I'd consider a dedicated repeater device instead. RPI3 has good hardware, but it lacks a built-in 5 GHz band, and the antenna is quite puny.
I second Antek, Raspberry Pi is both over- and underkill for the task. Over in a sense, that you won't utilise the Pi's power and capabilities, under because it has no chipset and antennae designed for the tasks of a dedicated wireless router.
That's fine, I just built a MR-24 to take it's place.
The discussion might have continued from here.