OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TL-WR741ND first start problem

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

tl-wr741nd ver.4.25, OS Win10x64
Im install last frimware from here "/snapshots/targets/ar71xx/generic/" -factory,
After reset, i try to connect to my device with PuTTY (telnet port 23), for set password and subsequent setup UI.
But, PuTTY returns an error: "connection refuse". i guess its problem with only telnet connnection, because I was able to connect using WinSCP and I can see files on the router.
so, this is the problem and I do not know what to do next, now my router looks like brick.
if you need more information, tell me.
thank you for help.

PS:I used a translator for several phrasesf and dont know english grammar,
sorry, if I did not express myself clearly

(Last edited by star.end0 on 7 Jan 2018, 02:59)

What happens if you try to connect to port 22 i/o port 23?

Thete's no need for telnet. Just SSH on port 22. There's no password needed on first connection so you can set one.


nitroshift wrote:

Thete's no need for telnet. Just SSH on port 22. There's no password needed on first connection so you can set one.


Thank you, sir.
its really works, must be the FAQ is out of date.

The discussion might have continued from here.