i don't know where to start, but it something like this
My isp Gave me Huawei HG8245A it has 4 lan Port ,actually i have no problem with the default setup given from my isp
but the modem is using modified version (all of their client using the same model) and they removed some of network function such as traffic shapping or QOS management , the web interface is setup on
and then I have Unused Huawei EchoLife HG553 with Openwrt , From openwrt i managed solve the qos management issue ,
the luci web interface is setup at or its still using default setup
what im trying to achive is connecting my Huawei HG8245A to Huawei EchoLife HG553 so from there openwrt can cap bandwith speed according my like
Lan port #1 & #3 ~ internet connection exist but seems bandwith rules doesn't effect, each client can still use full speed conection , cannot acces luci interface and only to
Lan port #2 & #4 ~ No Internet, able to access luci interface
lan port is something like this (the yellow one,sorry the forum aren't allowed me to embed link )
so can anyone help me point me whats wrong