Support for devices with only 16 MB RAM has officially been discontinued with Attitude Adjustment 12.09 (even 32 MB RAM is very borderline today), although that formal declaration only happened after the fact that this little amount of RAM was posing serious problems before already. While it is still possible to create a very targetted and stripped down build for 4/16 devices today, using current LEDE master, the results are definately not a full-featured firmware (luci is definately not possible, but it doesn't stop there) and still hitting out of memory conditions (or more colloquial, crashes and freezes) left and right.
While reverting to older firmware builds is technically possible, their security status precludes this from being a serious option (8+ years of known and unfixed/ unfixable security bugs, including remote ones), at some point it's no longer sensible to use 14 years old devices with very limiting system specifications. See for a more detailed explanation.
(Last edited by slh on 7 Jan 2018, 23:10)