I recently acquired a Linksys EA3500 and am considering whether to flash it with openwrt. I'm a veteran of many dd-wrt installations/configurations and of a few openwrt installations/configurations over the course of the last 10 years or so. I've found over the years that, for my home network, a lot of the more advanced features of the open-source firmwares are not very applicable: firewalling, dhcp serving, a bit of port forwarding, and configuration of a few static addresses is about the extent of my needs. In the past, my motivation for flashing alternative firmware, apart from augmenting the fairly basic feature set that used to ship with these devices, was partly the stick-it-to-the-man factor of the whole thing. But I'm now questioning whether it will be worth my trouble to do yet another firmware reflash.
Looking through the EA3500's stock firmware, it seems that all the features I need are pretty well covered. The question remaining that could be the deciding factor in this case then, is whether I could expect to see any sort of performance gains by flashing the device with openwrt? Either because of something like faster LAN speeds (say, file tranfers between LAN computers, since my WAN speed seems to top out at about 88 mbps), or perhaps better stability. Can anyone weigh in here on what advantages, apart from more advanced configuration options which I seldom use, there might be to replacing the stock firmware of the EA3500 with openwrt? Thanks.
(Last edited by wayover13 on 15 Jan 2018, 22:00)