OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: best openwrt 802.11ac chipset of 2018

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

What the most open and supported 802.11ac chipset in 2018?  The closest thing to a modern the ath9k.

It seems the choices are the mt76 (smallest blob, but not the most active development community?), ath10k ("big" binary blob, but still open enough to get some recommendations … erbloat/), and Marvell mwlwifi (most closed source and still has stability problems? … 32#p370532)?

(Last edited by dana44 on 14 Jan 2018, 10:02)

Dont use 802.11ac until there is a free software solution for this.
You can bookmark the wikipedia page here: h t t ps://

For narly all usecases the speed of 450Mbit on 2,4ghz and 450Mbit on 5ghz that you can get on with ath9k is more then enough.

(Last edited by gybrojby on 26 Jan 2018, 15:03)

The discussion might have continued from here.