OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Hello and questions

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have just joined as I want to take better control of my routers and with some reading this seems the right place to be. My first questions are, becuase it's quicker to ask than hunt the thimble, about the Linksys WRT1900ACS and WRT3200ACM.

1: What options of stable builds are there? (assuming there is a choice)
2: Are they easy to install as any basic router firmware?
3: What else do I need to know in advance?

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.

Welcome to OpenWrt! You are right to ask here.

The most recent stable firmware was produced by the LEDE project. It is in the process of being merged back into the OpenWrt name/site.

To get info about the LEDE software:
The LEDE forum (as opposed to this OpenWrt forum) is at
To get the current stable download: - look for "LEDE 17.01.4"

There are several guides to installing firmware: The LEDE version is at:

If this is your only router, you would be wise to read all the docs, then ask your question on one of the forums before trying to flash the router. Good luck, and have fun!

(Last edited by richb-hanover on 14 Jan 2018, 15:18)

after flashing you can then do some googleing about LEDE/OpenWRT packages to install. There is some good ones, my fav is addblock. You can have ads blocked at your router so they never even get to your computers or phones. There is also SQM wich is a verry good QOS. QOS = Quality of service. The latest stable build like @richb-hanover said is LEDE 17.1.4 but there is some builds here on the forum that have more packages built in and are a bit more up to date. The latest of these can be got from this link. … u/generic/
If you are flashing from the stock firmware then you should use the factory.img after that when you are running LEDE/OpenWRT you will need to use the sysupgrade.bin file. Good luck and have fun. :-) PS pleas read the doks.

(Last edited by tapper on 14 Jan 2018, 16:01)

The discussion might have continued from here.