Hi guys. I’ve searched around a bit but can’t quite find what I’m looking for. Close but not exactly.
Goal: Internet via Wireless (NO repeating; Client Only)
Hardware: Linksys EA4500
Currently I have a setup like this running on a Linksys E1200 (DD-WRT). With that I just go into wireless settings, select client mode then apply. It uses that as the routers wan connection. I’m finding it hard to replicate this on OpenWRT with the EA4500. I’m probably overlooking something or just am not getting the settings correct at all lol.
So the wireless radio(s) on this unit will only be for connecting to another AP for its WAN connection. (Client mode only NO repeating)(No sec; Security is done via MAC Address)
Router will be DHCP server for the LAN
Can someone point me to a nice how-to/video or try explaining it here?
If your wondering why I didn’t just use dd-wrt again, well, the EA4500 isn’t supported and frankly from what little I’ve seen it looks like openwrt is the better choice. Can do so much more by the looks. For now though can someone point me in the right direction to get this thing going?