i can connect to bt wifi x hotspot using theese instructions but lede not working with settings
Configuring the 802.1X connection on Windows
In order to enable the automatic BT Wi-Fi login from a Windows machine, you need to manually create the wireless profile.
To start with, you will need to add the BT 802.1X certificate to your trusted certificate store:
Double-click the "8021x.bt.com.cer" file in Windows Explorer.
The certificate will be shown. Verify that it is issued to "8021x.bt.com" and that it is issued by "Symantec Class 3 Secure Server SHA256 SSL CA".
If you downloaded the certificate from above and you wish to perform a further check on the certificate, then go into the Details tab and check that the Signature is "68 fe 1a 76 fc 2c ef a2 05 22 3f e4 7b 39 0a 9c".
Please note that this is correct as of the time of writing, but the certificate is only valid until Sunday 16 December 2018. At this time, BT will likely issue a new certificate and the above serial number will change.
On the "General" tab, click the "Install Certificate..." button.
In "Store Location", select "Local Machine" and click "Next". You may be presented with a UAC privilege prompt. Confirm that you wish to continue.
When asked, select "Place all certificates in the following store".
Click "Browse", and select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".
Click "OK".
Click "Next", and then "Finish" to confirm.
Now that you have the BT 802.1X certificate installed and trusted, you can now configure the wireless profile to connect to "BTWifi-X" hotspots:
Go into "Control Panel", and then into "Network & Sharing Center".
Click "Set up a new connection or network".
When prompted, select "Manually connect to a wireless network" and then click "Next".
In "Network Name", enter: BTWifi-X
In "Security Type", select "WPA2-Enterprise".
Make sure that "Start this connection automatically" is checked, and click "Next".
When prompted, click "Change connection settings".
In the "Security" tab, under "Choose a network authentication method", select "Microsoft: EAP-TTLS".
Click the "Settings" button next to "Microsoft: EAP-TTLS".
Under "Connect to these servers", enter: 8021x.bt.com
Under "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", place a checkbox next to "8021x.bt.com".
On the same dialog box, uncheck "Enable identity privacy" so that it is disabled.
Make sure that "Unencrypted password (PAP)" is selected under "Select a non-EAP method for authentication".
Click "OK" to return back to the "BTWifi-X Wireless Network Properties" dialog.
Click the "Advanced settings" button.
Place a check in the box next to "Specify authentication mode", and then select "User authentication" in the drop-down box.
Click the "Save Credentials" button.
When prompted, enter the full username and password that you extracted from the "mobileconfig" file above. The username starts with 8021x:BTRcon/ and ends with some variation of your BT username.
Click "OK", and then click "OK" twice more to close each dialog box. Finally, click "Close".
You should now be able to connect to "BTWifi-X" from the wireless networks list.
Configuring the 802.1X connection on other platforms
I am unable to provide specific instructions for other platforms, such as Android, but the following configuration settings should be of use to power users wishing to configure this on their devices:
Wireless Service Set Identifier (SSID): BTWifi-X
Wireless authentication method: WPA2 Enterprise
Wireless authentication EAP protocol: EAP-TTLS
Inner EAP-TTLS authentication protocol: PAP
Identity Privacy: Disabled
Username: 8021x:BTRCon/newprof/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX:XXX-XXX (as above)
Trusted Certificates: "8021x.bt.com" certificate (as above)
Trusted Server Certificate Names / Connect To Names: 8021x.bt.com