OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Which .bin files do I use to flash

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi, I can't find any clues in the docs about which files to flash onto my device. I have git cloned chaos_calmer, configured and built it for my edimax router. I have found the bin/ramips/ directory with dozens of openwrt-ramips-rt305x*-factory.bin files. Which file do I use? I was expecting a single file which I could sent to the router using tftp. So I'm a bit confused! Sorry if this seems a dumb question but I'm not very familiar with installing linux images.

(Last edited by johnpearcey on 22 Jan 2018, 13:32)

I went to LEDEs "Table of Hardware", and scrolled down to line 250: "Edimax 3g-6200n". On the right there is a "View/Edit data", that leads to a page ( … x_3g-6200n) with two links at the bottom: one to install LEDE on top of the original firmware, and another one to update a previous LEDE version.

Thank you. I didn't know about LEDE. But my hardware is not supported which is why I decided to build from scratch. I have an Edimax EW-7416APn-v2 "Range Extender". It is not listed in LEDE either.
After reading the LEDE home page, should I be using OpenWrt code now at all? Should I scrap my build and pull from LEDE instead?

What hardware specs does  Edimax EW-7416APn-v2 have, i.e. which SoC is used, how many MB flash / MB RAM and which flash/RAM chips are used?

Chipset: Ralink RT3052
CPU: 266MHz
Flash: I read that it has 4MB but the chip inside is MX29LV320 which is 32MB
RAM: 166MHz (6ns) 16MB SDRAM

johnpearcey wrote:

Flash: I read that it has 4MB but the chip inside is MX29LV320 which is 32MB
RAM: 166MHz (6ns) 16MB SDRAM

- 32Mb = 4MB (mind the difference between b and B) = borderline
- 16MB = too little, 32MB min required

For further information regarding the problems arising from low flash/RAM, see

Of course, silly me. 32M'bits'.
So I'm really waisting my time here. Thanks for the info tmo26. I'll stick Edimax in the bin and move on with my life!

The discussion might have continued from here.