OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help with 802.1x client bridge with passthrough for VOIP phone

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi guys, I have a TP-Link TL-WR710N v1 running 15.05.1 with 8MB flash and I am trying to set it up as a 802.1x client bridge with passthrough, using relayd, for my VOIP phone which does not have wifi. My desk is too far away from the router for a cable so this would be really helpful. I can do the STA bridge with relayd part as I have done that part before with a normal WPA2 personal network but I have read that, to connect to the WPA2 Enterprise network, I need to remove wpad-mini and install wpad but when I do a search for wpad nothing but wpad-mini is returned. I tried going in by ssh and did a

wget … ar71xx.ipk

but when I tried opkg install wpad_2016-06-15-2_ar71xx.ipk I just got errors

Any idea why I cant find it or install it? Any help appreciated. Thanks

What kind of errors?  You must remove wpad-mini first.  Installing manually can cause dependency issues.  It is most seamless to let opkg download what it needs, of course this requires connecting the router to the Internet for the process.

Also I would use the 17.01.4 build, not a snapshot.

(Last edited by mk24 on 23 Jan 2018, 22:07)

Thanks for the reply, the problem is it can't find wpad at all. If I do an opkg update and then opkg install wpad it says not found. If do a opkg find *wpad* it only returns wpad-mini

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll see if I have better luck with lede

(Last edited by brimur on 24 Jan 2018, 00:49)

Ok I upgraded to the latest LEDE but after updating lists (you can see the update lists button is gone) I am still not seeing anything other than wpad-mini??? Am I doing something wrong?

This is my feed...
src/gz reboot_core … c/packages
src/gz reboot_base … _24kc/base
src/gz reboot_luci … _24kc/luci
src/gz reboot_packages … c/packages
src/gz reboot_routing … kc/routing
src/gz reboot_telephony … /telephony

(Last edited by brimur on 24 Jan 2018, 12:33)

The discussion might have continued from here.