I tried to install OpenWRT on a TL-WDR3600 router, I do not know what happened in the process that when connecting via ssh only the BusyBox v1.27.2 () built-in shell (ash) interface appears and the LuCi installation does not exist.
I tried to install LuCi manually and then install another stable version but when running opkg update the system returns the following errors. I do not know if they are due to problems in the repository or in the connection to the internet.
Anyway, what I want is to install a stable version and unanswered questions torment me ...
Can a new update of OpenWRT be installed directly from BusyBox?
What would be the least risky solution?
By changing the URL of the repository, the installation of LuCi is solved?
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/targets/ar71xx/generic/packages/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/targets/ar71xx/generic/packages/Packages.gz
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/base/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/base/Packages.gz
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/luci/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/luci/Packages.gz
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/packages/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/packages/Packages.gz
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/routing/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/routing/Packages.gz
Downloading ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/telephony/Packages.gz
Failed to allocate uclient context
*** Failed to download the package list from ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/telephony/Packages.gz
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/targets/ar71xx/generic/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/base/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/luci/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/routing/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download ...downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/mips_24kc/telephony/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.