I would like to be able to read/write the whole firmware image at the router flash chip
directly - using SOIC-8 test clip with CH341A USB programmer and flashrom software
- all without desoldering a flash chip ( in-system programming https://www.flashrom.org/ISP )
Problem: when I connect a SOIC-8 test clip to the flash chip at router's board
there is one LED which is always ON and seven LEDs which are blinking:
per each 1 second of time they are 0.3 seconds OFF and 0.7 seconds ON
Then, I am able to detect the router's flash chip only at 30% of cases and
when its detected and starts reading it - per each 0x1E000 of data (30*0x1000)
there is about 30% correct data (9*0x1000) then 70% of zeros (21*0x1000)
^^^ 30% / 70% , seems to correlate with LEDs blinking pattern !
Maybe while LEDs are ON they are eating extra power which was intended for the flash chip,
so I'm going to short circuit these 7 LEDs with "red" temporary bridges - like at the picture below
Please tell: is it a good idea to shorten the LEDs or it could break something?
And what circuit elements are making those LEDs to blink at this pattern?
(Last edited by mward15 on 27 Jan 2018, 23:10)