OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wndr4300 not working with last firmware

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello friends,
I have this router which is working great and I wanted to switch to openwrt.
I have (my mistake) flashed the wrong firmware (15.05.01) instead of the supported one (15.05).

The problem that appeared was that the download speeds were undes 1Mbps... awful.
I saw the mistake, and reverted with tftp to last netgear firmware (which had ~140 Mbps) to see the same mega low download speed again, as in openwrt.

I have reset to defaults, wrote the firmware again (this time with LEDE) but the result was exactly the same.

What can I do, I don't think the router is malfunctioning due to hardware.
Is there a way to solve this?

Edit: router is v1 (Atheros). Also, it is disconnecting from time to time...

(Last edited by overboost on 1 Feb 2018, 14:57)

your netgear wndr4300 should behave exactly how it behaved when you flashed it back to the factory firmware.  have you considered checking your ISP?  e.g. cable mode, DSL modem.  check your download speed directly with the modem to rule out any issue with your ISP.  have you validated your modem is properly functioning?

I have a backup  router, which works flawlessly, on the same configuration.
Everything was check, no issie with ISP, cables, or other.

I presume there is some leftovers in the router's memory.
I tried 3 times back and forth to netgear genie, and openwrt firmware. The same bug is all over the place.

When I download the stock firmware, everything is rewritten?
It worked before, I have used it on stock firmware with >100 Mbps. I am confident there is a minor bug somewhere, I do not know how to work it around.

Please, anyone can help?

hmm... have you explored firstboot?

No, I'm no expert.
I just managed to use the router with the stock netgear firmware, but it is very annoying as it keeps disconnecting frequently.
In this state (stock firmware) I presume it is impossible to explore firstboot.
I try to upgrade to Openwrt again, and get back here.

I think I found the source of problem.
On my asus desktop openwrt netgear routers do not work.

I have tested both wndr3700 + wndr4300 on another desktop (dell) and they both work flawlessly.
However, when I plug them into my desktop, both have speeds of under 1Mbps.

Has anybody met this kind of issue?
I have been using Tp-links with dd-wrt without issue on my asus desktop.

PS: when i plug netgear with openwrt, for a few minutes everything is ok, then it hits me with low speed.
Please, any solutions?

I finally found out IPv6 does not work with my net provider.
But unfortunately i tried to disable IPv6 from network interfaces, with no success.
The speed is still ~1 MBps.
Can anybody please advise?

The discussion might have continued from here.