OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Not able to get ipv6 address on interface eth0

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

          i'm using odhcp6c as dhcpv6 client on my router and not able to get address assigned to eth0 interface even though the serve has replied back. Below is my configuration
config interface loopback
        option ifname   lo
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

config interface lan
        option type bridge
        option proto static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
        option ifname 'eth1 eth2 eth3'
        option ip6assign '64'
        option macaddr '00:10:18:00:00:07'
        option is_lan '1'

config interface wan
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option type anywan
        option macaddr '00:10:18:00:00:08'
        option reqopts '43 66 67 128 132 224 225 226'
        option reqprefix '64'
        option reqaddress 'try'
        option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'wan6'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'
        option ifname '@wan'
        option reqaddress 'try'
        option reqprefix 'auto'

Error log :
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: carrier => 0 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting RELEASE transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 5)
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Send RELEASE message (elapsed 0ms, rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: carrier => 0 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'lan' is enabled
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'lan' is setting up now
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'lan' is now up
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'loopback' is enabled
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'loopback' is setting up now
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'loopback' is now up
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is enabled
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Network device 'lo' link is up
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'loopback' has link connectivity
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Network device 'eth0' link is up
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' has link connectivity
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is setting up now
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is now up
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: carrier => 1 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:32 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: carrier => 1 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: carrier => 0 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Network device 'eth0' link is down
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' has link connectivity loss
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is now down
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is disabled
Jan  1 03:27:33 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is enabled
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: carrier => 0 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:34 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:35 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:35 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Network is unreachable)
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: carrier => 1 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: carrier => 1 event on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: (re)starting transaction on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Network device 'eth0' link is up
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' has link connectivity
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is setting up now
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 netifd: Interface 'wan' is now up
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Starting SOLICIT transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:36 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2044]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:37 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Cannot assign requested address)
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Got a valid reply after 2975ms
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting REQUEST transaction (timeout 4294967295s, max rc 10)
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Send REQUEST message (elapsed 0ms, rc 0)
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Got a valid reply after 2ms
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: entering stateful-mode on eth0
Jan  1 03:27:39 DPU504G_BCM380 odhcp6c[2049]: Starting <POLL> transaction (timeout 302400s, max rc 0)

Maybe you didn't get a prefix delegated via DHCPv6, but only a single address that the router can use the WAN interface.

I would suggest that you back up your configuration, and do a "reset to defaults". I have found the default config works pretty well with DHCPv6-PD.

The discussion might have continued from here.