Hello OpenWRT community...
Background: I've previously ran and successfully install Tomato (Shibby) and DD-WRT. Seeing the two projects will unlikely be maintained in the future and the rejuvenation of OpenWRT/LEDE I'd figure I should switch to OpenWRT.
I followed wiki.openwrt.org/toh/linksys/wrt160n
Installed downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/brcm47xx/mips74k/openwrt-brcm47xx-mips74k-linksys-wrt160n-v3-squashfs.bin
Checked if this is a recent build and going to the directory seems to suggest it was built Dec 2017).
I flashed the router which seemed to work without a hitch.
Out of box I was not able to access the web interface.
* No front facing builds should have this disabled.
I read upon the Wiki, (also made some updates), and I was able to get in via SSH, (no password).
Set the root password and attempted to set for network access.
* I am not new with configuring linux but this is way over the head of most people.
Was there a step that I missed or did I grab the wrong build?
How would I recover from this state to go to a more feature enabled build?
Why is this so complicated, (builds should be straight forward with installation and configuring... having to drop into command line will loss most users, this state should only be needed for advanced users or administrators)?
I want the project to succeed, especially since other firmware projects are stagnating. I definitely think the instructions / wiki could be improved. Any help or direction from the community would be appreciated.
PS: Can't post links in this forum?!?!?