Hello. For the life of me I have been trying to get the web UI running again on my recently flashed Linksys WRT1900acs. I was able to flash the router no problem after finding the correct checksum settings. Upon login and successful connection when I started playing with the switch settings under network. I turned off the cpu0 from its default setting of untagged, then saved and applied the settings. Now I can't get into the web UI and when I try to use telnet I keep getting this error "Could not open connecton to the host, on port 23: Connecion failed." I have checked numerous posts.
I have tried opening port 23 on windows, still no luck.
Also tried disabling Windows Firewalls for public/private network along with the Antivirus Software's firewall when attempting to make a connection.
Also tried connecting the wire to a lan and wan port both upon resetting in failsafe mode.
Now when I try to enter failsafe mode I see the internet light keep on blinking orange and then eventually go blue when wire is plugged in. I can't seem to enter failsafe mode anymore i.e. no more fast blinking power light.
I'm all outta ideas at this point. Please, any help would be awesome on this.
(Last edited by dsntstu on 9 Feb 2018, 09:16)