Hi, I need to upgrade router from stock to openwrt and because I'm doing this remotely, I need to do it right to save a long trip. Router is connected to the network via lan port, so I just need to preset different ip (and disable dhcp, which I can do in package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dhcp.conf). Default openwrt IP would make IP conflict after fw update.
I found file ./package/base-files/files/bin/config_generate which looks promising, closely this section:
case "$protocol" in
local ipad
case "$1" in
lan) ipad=${ipaddr:-""} ;;
*) ipad=${ipaddr:-"192.168.$((addr_offset++)).1"} ;;
uci -q batch <<-EOF
set network.$1.proto='static'
set network.$1.ipaddr='$ipad'
set network.$1.netmask='$netm'
set network.$1.ip6assign='60'
But I never did this before. Can I just replace with something like and opewnrt will boot with this IP by default (also after firstboot)? Or is there another "documented" way of doing this?
Another question: everytime I modify some file like this, do I have to make clean, or make will know it's newer and compile it again?
(Last edited by nozombian on 10 Feb 2018, 17:01)