OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [SOLVED] Phone not linking at 866Mpbs

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

My phone has this chipset … band-wi-fi

I've set the WiFi 5GHz radio at 80MHz
WiFi SSID = "wifi"
But the phone always syncs to 433Mpbs on 5Ghz
Encryption = WPA2 Personal
Encryption method = AES
all other settings are factory default

I'm about 30cm from the router

What do I need to do , to either get it syncing at 866 or at or at least debug LEDE

(Last edited by ninjaef on 13 Feb 2018, 14:30)

Most phones have only one WiFi antenna, thus they cannot operate at 2x2 MIMO.

Spot on!

WiFi chipset is actually a QCA6164A not QCA617A as orignally thought.
And over on the Qualcom page, the max speed is stated as 433mbps. This is crap for 802.11ac? Why make a device that can connect to 5Ghz 80Mhz frequency and then max it out at  only 433 when it is a 2:2 stream chip?

Here is a pic of the mainboard also, confirming one antenna (red) and chipset (blue)
(for some reason the img tag isnt working on the link above this line)

Ah well


mk24 wrote:

Most phones have only one WiFi antenna, thus they cannot operate at 2x2 MIMO.

(Last edited by ninjaef on 13 Feb 2018, 12:43)

The discussion might have continued from here.