OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wireless scan tears down existing connection

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am using a Designated Driver based custom build of OpenWRT, and I trying to scan for a wireless network from LuCI while connected to the wireless adapter.

hardware: gateworks ventana board, DHXA-222 mini PCIe wireless card

When I run `iwtest wlan0 scan`, I am able to see the utility report all the wireless networks within range. However, the current network is then torn down when scan completes. This causes a problem when running the scan command from LuCI because the dynamic content is lost when the network connection is severed.

1) Should I expect the wireless network to be lost when performing a scan?
2) If so, Lua supports writing to disk, so it seems that caching the scan content to disk may make the most sense, agreed? or is there a better way to address this within the LuCI framework?

Note when connecting to the wired network card, the page is served as expected. Unfortunately, this isn't an option for the final solution


Hi ssparks,

1)Based on your specs, you should be just fine.
2) There are always alternatives, but if you can cache the scan content to disk that will work.

Hope that helps, good luck and please report back on how it turns out.

That generally does not happen.  Have you tried with different client devices?

AFAIK, during a scan the radio has to hop from channel to channel trying to find all access points; I think it is normal that you lose connection to that device during the scan.

Championforthepeople wrote:

1)Based on your specs, you should be just fine.

Are you saying the connection shouldn't drop?

Championforthepeople wrote:

2) There are always alternatives, but if you can cache the scan content to disk that will work.

I'm digging through the lua code in wifi_join now, but I'm open to suggestions :-D

mk24 wrote:

That generally does not happen.  Have you tried with different client devices?

I only have a single wifi module, but I've ordered another to compare it against. It will take a couple of days to get to me.

No by client I mean the laptop or whatever you are connecting with.  The AP doesn't deliberately drop anything.  It will go off the air for a few seconds while scanning.  Most clients wait some time for it to come back before dropping the connection, since the same situation occurs if you walk out of range or experience interference.

That "join" button can put you through a world of problems.  If you need a client interface, manually configure it.

(Last edited by mk24 on 13 Feb 2018, 18:23)

The discussion might have continued from here.