OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TP-Link TL-WR841N/ND v9 - cant find latest trunk/snapshot

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi, models with 4MB flash have been moved to tiny folder. … 71xx/tiny/
They are also now harder to find in make menuconfig, if you build yourself. Only V13 is where it used to be, because it has 8MB flash now (but also non functional wifi).

(Last edited by nozombian on 13 Feb 2018, 21:21)

Hi Nozombian,
thank you very much for reply. Quite useful information.

Nevertheless, still cannot find there image for wr841n-v9... unless i can use wr841-v9 on my TP-Link TL-WR841N/ND v9 ?
Does anyone know? … actory.bin

(Last edited by czezz on 13 Feb 2018, 22:46)

N and ND differ only in Detachable antennas, nothing else. Same image.

Yes, but this is not my question smile

wr841n-v9 or wr841-v9 (no N or ND at all).

Since there is no difference in the image, the image for wr841 covers both, N and ND.

czezz, don't you worry, it's correct image. There are also checks in openwrt, so you should not be able to sysupgrade bad firmware. You cannot mess up as long as you don't use force option ;-) Even factory firmware is doing checks I think.

The discussion might have continued from here.