OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TP LINK WR740N V5 brick

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

hello to all, I have a tp link wr740n and I want to fix it, it happened to brick it, my opinion I think the bootloader is corrupted, when I connect it does not turn on all the leds, only the power and the last two lock and internet I mentioned that the last two LED lights are very weak, I plugged a usb-ttl ch340g at the serial port and did not go in putty does not appear anything, how can I repair it?

Please tell me if it can be repaired with a BIOS ch341a (SOIC8)

the last time it worked, I was talking to someone on the messenger, and the router restarted and so I stayed waiting for an answer as soon as possible!

Yes you can rewrite the bootloader with a CH341 based programmer.  If that is the problem.  Did it brick because you tried to flash something?

mk24 wrote:

Yes you can rewrite the bootloader with a CH341 based programmer.  If that is the problem.  Did it brick because you tried to flash something?

yes, I tried to upgrade the firmware to the experimental openwrt version
Instead the router worked for about 3 days after that upgrade, it happened to reboot and it was stuck, the POWER LED is the only one that lights up properly when I power the router, the power LED is lit normally and the last two WANs and WPS (the one inscribed locked, I guess smile) are on but very bright!

I put it in the socket and that's it!

Please if you can tell me where I can find the original tl-wr740n v5 bootloader I searched the internet and found this site where I can install a bootloader much better than the stock!

the last thing would be to confirm if I still need something, if I write the bootloader automatically with that programmer, the router will start normally? I read on a forum that she needs the art too!

(Last edited by laurentiu340 on 15 Feb 2018, 16:55)

The discussion might have continued from here.