OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [SOLVED] What is the option to take down an interface - permanently

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

as per title really

I keep setting my WAN6 interface (IPV6) to 'Disable' but something brings it up again. I dont want any IPV6 function and so I'm disabling all over the place (there is probably an easier way to remove it all , I just havent found it yet!)

(Last edited by ninjaef on 15 Feb 2018, 15:29)

Hi, this is what I have:
vi /etc/config/network

config interface 'wan6'
        option ifname 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'
        option disabled 1

If you want to dosable ipv6 completly, it is best to compile without ipv6 support, you will save some flash space.

nozombian wrote:

Hi, this is what I have:
vi /etc/config/network

config interface 'wan6'
        option ifname 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'
        option disabled 1

If you want to dosable ipv6 completly, it is best to compile without ipv6 support, you will save some flash space.

There is an image builder option for OpenWRT ; not sure if the core is IPV6 but maybe I could take the core and bolt on the functionality desired. I need to ask if IPV6 is part of the core build. Dont fancy an entire compile job but may have to end up doing so !?

Delete the wan6 section entirely from /etc/config/network.  The "delete" button on Network->Interfaces does this.  Also go to the LAN interface under the DHCP server at the bottom and click the IPv6 tab and disable RA and IPv6 DHCP, or edit /etc/config/dhcp.

You now have the router configured for IPv4 operation only. 

Removing the IPv6 stuff from the firmware is only relevant if you have a device with small memory.  In that case Image Builder will not do it completely since Image Builder always uses a pre-built kernel with IPv6 drivers in it.

mk24 wrote:

Delete the wan6 section entirely from /etc/config/network.  The "delete" button on Network->Interfaces does this.  Also go to the LAN interface under the DHCP server at the bottom and click the IPv6 tab and disable RA and IPv6 DHCP, or edit /etc/config/dhcp.

You now have the router configured for IPv4 operation only. 

Removing the IPv6 stuff from the firmware is only relevant if you have a device with small memory.  In that case Image Builder will not do it completely since Image Builder always uses a pre-built kernel with IPv6 drivers in it.

Excellent response.
Yes, i forgot about kernel IPv6 support. Mind you that could be removed by building a custom kernel. But i'm not going there...!

Cheers mate

The discussion might have continued from here.