OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: DHCP fowarding

The content of this topic has been archived on 17 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am trying to figure this out guys. How do you disable DHCP on the router and set a DHCP forwarder?

Under Network, Interfaces, Lan, Edit there should be a check box to disable DHCP.  Your LAN would then need to be plugged into another router that had an active DHCP server going.   If you are bridging the WAN and LAN to use the router as a dumb Access Point, the same would be true.   Be sure to reset the IP address to other than the gateway/DHCP server address.


If you want a DHCP forwarder, then there is one in the package archive called dhcp-forwarder. I'm not completly sure how to use it and I think it's for larger networks with one central DHCP server which provides IP addresses for LANs without having direct connection to the LAN.

From the configuration file (/etc/dhcp-fwd.conf)

## This file contains a sample configuration for the network shown
## below:
##  --------------              ----------              -------------
## |  DHCP Server |            |          |            |             |
## | |------<eth1>| dhcp-fwd |<eth2>------|   Clients   |
## |              |            |          |            |             |
##  --------------              ----------              -------------

The discussion might have continued from here.