I often have to use a network where I have to sign into a proxy server to have internet connection.
Is there a way to make openwrt do this for me?
I want to connect a router running openwrt via lan to the existing network so that it logs in to the proxy server and provides me WLAN where I don't have to sign in.
Would be really great if someone could help me.
Topic: Openwrt logging into an network with Proxy server
The content of this topic has been archived on 7 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
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You can automate the process using curl request, sometimes even wget is sufficient. Good start is firefox, f12 - network, log into your proxy and see what is happening. You can right click interesting POST (or GET) request - copy - copy curl. Usually you will need more than one request, sometimes even extract session id before logging in, etc. Once you can automate the process, you can then write bash (or php/perl) scrip, which you can execute when router boots and/or from cron.
The discussion might have continued from here.
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