hello community ! Smile

As i wanted to join the ARM world (i already have an rt-n16 and rt-n66u - mipsel and almost eol) i've bought a bricked rt-ac56u hoping to revive it.

I've connected a serial console and the output is somehow encouraging but I've failed to make any ip connectivity.

What do you suggest I do next?

thanks in advance for any help !

Decompressing...decompressLZMA: res=6 

CFE version 2012.02.18 (r312294) based on BBP 1.0.37 for BCM95301X (32bit,SP,) 
Build Date: Tue Jul 3 20:57:05 PDT 2012 (hwnbuild@xl-sj1-04) 
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Broadcom Corporation. 

Init Arena 
Init Devs. 
Boot partition size = 262144(0x40000) 
spiflash: found no supported devices 
spiflash: found no supported devices 
spiflash: found no supported devices 
otp_size: 0xbc 
find_nvram: no nvram found 
otp_size: 0xbc 
find_nvram: no nvram found 
otp_size: 0xbc 
find_nvram: no nvram found 
otp_size: 0xbc 
find_nvram: no nvram found 
CPU type 0x0: 800MHz 
Tot mem: 131072 KBytes 

CFE mem: 0x00700000 - 0x007B0D68 (724328) 
Data: 0x007496FC - 0x00749AD8 (988) 
BSS: 0x00749AE8 - 0x0074AD68 (4736) 
Heap: 0x0074AD68 - 0x007AED68 (409600) 
Stack: 0x007AED68 - 0x007B0D68 (8192) 
Text: 0x00700000 - 0x0074114C (266572) 

Committing NVRAM...nvram_commit: Failed No valid nvram 
flash0.0: Device not found 
Loader:raw Filesys:tftp Dev:(null) File:flash0.os: Options:(null) 
Loading: Failed. 
Could not load flash0.os:: Network is down 
CFE> help 
Available commands: 

et Broadcom Ethernet utility. 
show clocks Show current values of the clocks. 
nvram NVRAM utility. 
reboot Reboot. 
flash Update a flash memory device 
batch Load a batch file into memory and execute it 
go Verify and boot OS image. 
boot Load an executable file into memory and execute it 
load Load an executable file into memory without executing it 
save Save a region of memory to a remote file via TFTP 
ping Ping a remote IP host. 
arp Display or modify the ARP Table 
ifconfig Configure the Ethernet interface 
help Obtain help for CFE commands 

For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name' 
*** command status = 0 
CFE> show clocks 
Current clocks: 800/400/400/100 Mhz. 
*** command status = 0 
CFE> nvram show 
pmon_ver=CFE 2012.02.18 (r312294) 
size: 54 bytes (32714 left) 
*** command status = 0 
CFE> et -i=eth0 up 
*** command status = -6 
CFE> ifconfig eth0 -addr= -mask= 
Could not activate network interface 'eth0': Error 
*** command status = -1 
CFE> ping 
Could not transmit echo request ( 0 packets sent, 0 received 
*** command status = 1 
CFE> show devices 
Invalid command: "devices" 
Available "show" commands: clocks 

*** command status = -1 
CFE> ifconfig 
Network interface has not been configured 
*** command status = 0