So I have moved from DD-WRT to Openwrt and am loving it so far I have entered the following
uci set network.henet=interface
uci set network.henet.proto=6in4
uci set network.henet.peeraddr=Server-IPv4-Address
uci set network.henet.ip6addr='Client-IPv6-Address'
uci set network.henet.ip6prefix='Routed-/48'
uci set network.henet.tunnelid=Tunnel-ID
uci set network.henet.username=User-ID
uci set network.henet.password='Your-HE-Website-Password'
uci commit network
uci set firewall.@zone[1].network='wan henet'
uci commit firewall
ifup henet
/etc/init.d/firewall restart
but it does not seem to be working as my ipv6 test fails I am running chaos calmer 15.05.1.
(Last edited by wub901 on 19 Feb 2018, 03:06)