OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Messed around with BT HomeHub 5A

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi friends!

Remember me? It's me, who messed around with Netgear DG834GT a few days ago. Finally, I've Opened it, and now it's time for HH5A (next will be HH2A).

So according to Wiki, I've tried "Installing OpenWRT/LEDE (switching from original BT/Plusnet firmware to LEDE)" with LEDE and OpenWRT (I have no idea why I was using this [] instruction).

Anyway, I end up with HH5A with serial. I can go UART boot or "standard" which ends up with "i dono ubi" and "HOMEHUBV5A#".

ROM VER: 1.1.4
CFG 06

U-Boot SPL 2014.01-openwrt4-g9abc897-dirty (Jun 27 2015 - 18:14:58)
SPL: applying tuned DDR SDRAM settings
MEM: DDR Echo DLL delay:  25/25
MEM: DDR Write DQS delay: 66/66
MEM: DDR Read DQS delay:  1f/1f
SPL: loading U-Boot to RAM
SPL: checking U-Boot image
SPL: decompressing U-Boot with LZO
SPL: jumping to U-Boot

U-Boot 2014.01-openwrt4-g9abc897-dirty (Jun 27 2015 - 18:14:58) BTHOMEHUBV5A

Board: BT Home Hub 5A
SoC:   Lantiq VRX268 v1.2
CPU:   500 MHz
IO:    250 MHz
BUS:   250 MHz
DRAM:  128 MiB
NAND:  128 MiB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   ltq-eth
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  2 \0x08\0x08\0x08 1 \0x08\0x08\0x08 0 
Unknown command 'ubi' - try 'help'
Unknown command 'ubi' - try 'help'
bootm - boot application image from memory

bootm [addr [arg ...]]
    - boot application image stored in memory
\0x09passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,
\0x09'arg' can be the address of an initrd image

Sub-commands to do part of the bootm sequence.  The sub-commands must be
issued in the order below (it's ok to not issue all sub-commands):
\0x09start [addr [arg ...]]
\0x09loados  - load OS image
\0x09ramdisk - relocate initrd, set env initrd_start/initrd_end
\0x09cmdline - OS specific command line processing/setup
\0x09bdt     - OS specific bd_t processing
\0x09prep    - OS specific prep before relocation or go
\0x09go      - start OS

I've tried to load both "lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin" and openwrt version with "standard" and obsolete instruction. Both fails.

Tried restore:

root@lede:/# restore /mnt/hh5a.nanddump

When installing OpenWRT i get:

libubi: error!: cannot get information about "/dev/ubi0"
        error 2 (No such file or directory)
ubirmvol: error!: error while probing "/dev/ubi0"
          error 2 (No such file or directory)

While installing OpenWRT it tell's me, my image is not proper (got it from

Does it make difference if
1. I'm U-Boot from lede-*.asc or openwrt-*.asc
2. openwrt-*asc or from "installed" U-Boot (second one is way faster...)

I've tried many combinations but not sure if all. Any helpful information by now?

Best regards!

Ok, it works now. I've just recover and reinstall LEDE (fresh download).

The discussion might have continued from here.