Hey guys,
I had openwrt running totally fine on my Tplink Archer C7 V4. This morning i wanted to install SQM opkg package and i got an error about conflicts in the kernel package version.
Some days ago i had the great idea to upgrade all packages, including kernel apparently. I thought i read somewhere you cannot overwrite these packages and it will install it besides the old package. So i went to Luci and uninstalled the opkg package "kernel". I was on OpenVPN and the connection just halted. I can no longer reach my router using OpenVPN.
Internet still seems to work fine, since my wife is at home and has no issues, so the router seems to be still alive However, i asked her to go to the IP of it, and Luci no longer responds. When i get back home, i really hope SSH is still working on it.
Any suggestions what i should do to get this thing back to life? Any hopes SSH will still be working?
(Last edited by bravo on 20 Feb 2018, 13:41)