I have GLInet AR300p openwrt router with 15.05. I currently set it up in dumb AP mode with WAN port connected to corporate work network jack. Basically the wlan clients get 192.168.8.* ip address while the router (i.e. AR300p) gets wan ip address from corporate dhcp (an IP like 10.78.164.*) . If I need to remote desktop (i.e RDP) to a PC that is on WLAN network from another PC that is connected to corp network, I have to setup port forwarding rules etc to get this working.
I am wondering what the pitfalls might be if I make the router a bridged AP (). Basically all the wlan clients will get 10.78.164.* ip addresses. Then I don't need special firewall rules on the router for RDP to work.
In bridged ap mode (https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/recipes/bridgedap):
1) Do I need to disable NAT or is it disabled by default in this mode?
2) Currently I have a transparent proxy setup using squid so that wlan clients don't have to authenticate with corp web proxy. In bridged AP mode, will I be able to use the same firewall rules to intercept packets and route them to AR300p squid network port.
Ofcourse I can try and learn the hard way. What I am worried about is that I lose the option to web into the router from wlan clients as I don't have static ip address for my router.