Hi there, I tried to follow this guide here wiki.openwrt.o rg/toh/tp-link/tp-link_archer_c20_1 and was able to flash my router, I could get an IP from DHCP and could connect to it via ssh but there was no web control page, it displayed just a blank 'index of' page as if it was serving an empty folder.
So I tried flashing again and nothing changed. Then I thought I could just flash the original back and download it from here Archer_C20(BR)_V1_160815_1477622903943f_1478197164394h.zip from tplink.
After flashing it the router just turned off, when I turn it on then one single blue led lights up and then off again and so all leds remains turned off. I'm assuming I just bricked the darn thing.
I read that I need to desolder something and connect as serial, can someone help me with the instructions so I can try to recover it?
Thank you very much!