OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Multi User LUCI

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Am using LUCI to monitor and configure my openwrt device. I can create/delete user using the LUCI web interface.

My aim is to create an anonymous user which will not be displayed in the user list of LUCI interface. For that I edited the files /etc/passwd. This was a success, I could create user,use this him to do my stuffs and also he is not displayed in the LUCI interface.

The real issue is when I create a new user from LCUI the user which i created using /etc/passwd disappears.
Am I doing some mistake.?



this subject interests me very well, because it would be very useful for me to have a user who could only see reporters without changing anything of configuration, I could not be able to do that, and in the searches I did not find anything talking about how to do, can you guide me?

As I said earlier I Just wanted a user who is not displayed in the LUCI web interface. And its very easy to achieve, that you can add a user manually, by editing the /etc/passwd file. And also I have done some modification in LUCI application to support multi layer user login. That is giving user privilege to specific user groups (Super admin/Admin/User)


Very interesting, you could pass which LUCI files and what you changed ?, my idea and create only a user who can only see the interface without being able to change any aspect, just follow the various reports displayed ....

The discussion might have continued from here.