OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Midnight Commander

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

It's nice to have Midnight Commander available for OpenWrt - I'm lost without it... although I've just noticed a difference between mc on OpenWrt and my FreeBSD version.

FreeBSD has 4.8.20 and has a really useful function:-

F9->Command->Compare Files

OpenWrt does not have this - it may be a new feature of 4.8.20.

If it is, how would I get an update for OpenWrt?

How do I go about building it on OpenWrt?

Does OpenWrt come with a build environment?

With building you can start here:

But preparing a package for openwrt is rather advanced stuff. After you will clone openwrt git, try to compile for your router without your package first. Once you manage to do that, you will have to clone mc git, create some files, create new "mc" folder in package folder and place it all there. Here you can start:

Best is to take a look on some existing package, which will give you good example.

(Last edited by nozombian on 7 Mar 2018, 21:34)

Since mc package is userspace, you can upgrade it even if you're on an older kernel.


hnyman wrote:

4.8.20 is in the Openwrt master packages feed... … c/Makefile

But old releases have older versions.
17.01 has 4.8.18 and 15.05 has 4.8.14

How do I find out what version of OpenWrt I'm running?

Not sure where Midnight Commander came from, but if it's part of the OpenWrt image,  then maybe the easiest way of getting 4.8.20 is by updating the image...

Just noticed  /etc/openwrt-release which says 17.01.4, which is the latest release, as far as I can see.

"Compare files" is not a new feature of 4.8.20 ... LEDE 17.01.x ships with mc 4.8.18 which also supports this - but not by default. Due to space considerations only popular extensions (like internal edit) are enabled by default. To get mc with "Compare files" feature you have to setup your own buildroot environment and select the mc compile option "Enable internal diff viewer".

Thanks for the explanation... I would have found out that the latest version on OpenWrt did not have this feature smile...

The discussion might have continued from here.