Firstly,As Im new to this place, I would like to say a big thanks to all WRT crew for this amazing work!
Im working on my college project, story short, I want to implement and test the infamous KRACK attack.
so the idea is to use 2 Raspberry pi's as a set up for 802.11r environment and than perform the rest.... and ideally make it happen.
While setting up the openWrt on Rpi3 I have encountered this problem. Im addressing my WAN interface with DHCP CLIENT and it is picking up the address from my local router ( ... everything works fine, Im updating LEDE and getting all packages as I need, also ssh works fine
but the minute I add my LAN interface with static as DHCP SERVER ( I got the usb to rj45 for second lan port connection, it works perfect too)
when I add the LAN interface to this set up the interfaces are magically (LAN AND WAN) getting swapped, so LEDE sees my LAN as WAN ...
I cant really change the as this is hooked up to my home box. Anyone knows what could cause this "behaviour". I was trying to play with iptables/firewalls but with no success.
and just to mention that Ive hooked up alfa card to LANs DHCP SERVER and It works perfect too.
Any ideas? Please help!
P.S Sorry for my English, hope everything make sense.