OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Performance of WRT1900ACS compared to Google Wifi?

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've used Google Wifi for a long time now (specifically, Asus OnHub central router + 3 Google Wifi mesh nodes) mostly because it's super easy, works well, and has just enough features for me to scrape by.

But lately I've been wanting a more feature-filled router, and today I decided to go with a Linksys WRT1900ACS (I would have gone with the WRT3200whatever but I read that there were some ongoing issues with that one).

I haven't had a chance to start setting up, but I wanted to ask here if anyone has switched from Google Wifi to a WRT1900ACS or similarly specced router, and how you felt performance differed.

I have anywhere from 15-20 devices on my network at any given time. These include my phone, my tablet, several Google Homes, laptops, my home server, two game consoles, my Roomba, etc, operating on a 1000/50 home cable connection. Google Wifi handles this well enough - can I expect the same from my new router and OpenWRT?


(Last edited by woof on 21 Mar 2018, 18:06)


I use two WRT series router, one WRT3200 and one WRT1900ACS v2, the WRT1900 is connected in the work network where I have up to 50 devices connected to it in a 200/100 mbps fiber ling and use this openWtr vesao

very stable and both radios very fast, did not show drops of connection until now and 5 days on and working.

The discussion might have continued from here.