I am sure that this has been covered a number of times, however with the recent merge of LEDE Project and OpenWRT, maybe there have been changes.
I have used the search function and can not find anything recent since the merge.
I have a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND Hardware version 4.
I originally looked at this 6 months ago and found that the Gargoyle project does not support this version of the hardware. I have been using the LEDE firmware for the last 6 months without schedules or bandwidth limitations.
Today I downloaded the latest firmware from openwrt and uploaded it to the router. All is up and running with the previous settings. (I did not brick it thank goodness)
I was wondering if there have been any changes since the merge, that could help my cause at home.
I have kids at home and need to at lease change schedules for the wifi to be operational during certain times.
I have just finished downloading the "luci-app-wifischedule" app and plan on setting it up soon.
I was wondering if there has been any progress in regards to bandwidth Quotas?
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.