OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: How to forward Guest Wifi Users to a PHP BB Forum Hosted on LAN

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there,

I have got as far as:

1) Setting up the guest wifi

2)Setting up a zone, setting up DHCP for it to ensure enough addresses and creating a firewall.

3) Configuring the firewall - i'm stuck!

I've set it up so that it forwards traffic to my LAN but I need to really forward traffic to a specific path - something like ht-tp://- and then change that address back so that it looks like the original website for the purposes of phpbb working properly.

I can't see anywhere to forward to a specific url - would it be possible to also have any web address typed forward to this address - a bit like a public portal but without the hassle of setting up portal software?



I would try using some DNS-'trick' with dnsmasq. Like

Using smart PHP, you should also be able to find the real destination/path back.

(Last edited by augustus_meyer on 28 Mar 2018, 12:44)

Hi Augustus,

I'm doing this as a charitable project for local residents so i'm a bit out of my depth! A few questions from what you said:

1. How would I deploy this with dnsmasq please?

2. You used the address 192.158.x where did that come from - or is that just an example, did you mean the actual host address which is

3. I presume this isn't possible within Luci?

4. How do I lock down the guest network so it can only go to the one website on the .110 install and nowhere else on the lan and also how do i stop guests accessing the wider internet?

Not a PHP Programmer so this makes me cry a bit :-p

Any help moving forward would be absolutely hugely appreciated. Many thanks.

4. Then you will need a captive portal.

However, your questions are not openwrt-specific.

I don't see that it is outside of forum scope. I know it **is** possible in OpenWRT itself, i'm just not advanced enough in openwrt to deploy a solution...In any event, a captive portal, itself, isn't going to do what I need as it won't have the advanced ability to ensure forwarding to the exact address. At best it would be overkill. This is likely firewalls or shell coding.

(Last edited by sammanchester on 28 Mar 2018, 13:49)

sammanchester wrote:

a captive portal, itself, isn't going to do what I need as it won't have the advanced ability to ensure forwarding to the exact address.

But no need for you, to ask, in case you already know how to do it.

Actually I was wrong - sorry about that. I was actually told that this was possible through custom firewall scripting this morning though. I've settled on coovachilli but, as for how to set this idea. I've looked on youtube, that's just for installing on ubuntu, i don't really get how that's useful without the router side being explained, i've looked on the web and read all sorts of conflicting information and i don't just want to type random stuff and then brick my router. I saw this help.hotspotsystem(.com)/knowledgebase/how-do-i-manually-configure-the-coovachilli-settings and wondered if it might work. OpenWRT Barrier Breaker 14.07 is what i'm running.


The discussion might have continued from here.