OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Stable release compile kernel version issue

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


i'm trying to compile a stable 17.01.4 version for a MT7620 device.
The problem I encounter is that my compiled kernel is
kernel - 4.4.92-1-db9a90c78a856b7cfdc01049a186b49c
or other times is kernel - 4.4.92-1-SOMEOTHER
rather than
kernel - 4.4.92-1-e19b9950ed08c60448d97dc11fbd6537
which is the kernel image of the latest stable download from the stable official repository.

For this reason I have problem installing some packages cause it tells me the kernel has different version (like mwan3)
When i try a opkg install mwan3 this is the output

Installing mwan3 (2.0.2-1) to root...
Collected errors:
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for mwan3:
 *     kernel (= 4.4.92-1-e19b9950ed08c60448d97dc11fbd6537) *     kernel (= 4.4.92-1-e19b9950ed08c60448d97dc11fbd6537) *     kernel (= 4.4.92-1-e19b9950ed08c60448d97dc11fbd6537) *     kernel (= 4.4.92-1-e19b9950ed08c60448d97dc11fbd6537) * 
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package mwan3.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, how can i fix it?

Find below my mini-instruction that i follow to compile the system.

download the sources from git, select the stable tag for the release
  mkdir ledestable
  cd ledestable
  git clone FROMGITURISOURCE.git
  cd source
  git fetch --tags
  git checkout v17.01.4

build the menu configuration
  ./scripts/feeds update -a
  ./scripts/feeds install -a
  make menuconfig

select your system preferences, exit and save, then build the source

That "SOMEOTHER" after the "4.4.92-1-" is a hash of the configuration file, so kernel modules can only be installed if compiled with the exact same configuration as the kernel itself. If you want to match an existing SOMEOTHER hash, copy the "config.seed" file from the original build, then do a "make defconfig".

Thank you @eduperez, that's what I was searching for.
I suspect that was an hash.
Because I have to include some kernel module that I'm patching, I'm using the "make menuconfig" command. So, is there any way to "hack" that hash building? That way I will have my patched kernel on a "stable" release.

I prefer the stable release cause I'm going to install openwrt on some router, and I would like to install the same version on each router. The problem with the snapshot one, it that I can not always install the same .bin cause after some period the kernel does not match during the packages installation process, like my version above.

Sorry, but I do not know how to change that...

The discussion might have continued from here.