OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Does tl-wr1043 support client bridge mode?

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have a special need.
I want to connect wireless to enterprise wifi and bridge it to the ethernet switch.
My enterprise network use wpa2-enterprise with peap-mschapv2.
Anybody know if tl-wr1043n v5 Openwrt  support this?


Kjartan Iversen

This would be done as a routed client.

Enterprise authentication requires removing the 'wpad-mini' package and replacing it with the full version 'wpad'.  That is simple on the WR1043 since it has sufficient flash space to do it at run-time.

(Last edited by mk24 on 10 Apr 2018, 15:04)

Thanks a lot.....
I'll order the wr1043 and give it a try.....

I'll come back and tell you my experience....



The discussion might have continued from here.