Specific Example
There were a number of snmpd packages out there, but none i found supported snmpv3 - a requirement for my network.  So i build an ipkg myself with the support i need (not complete snmpv3 support, but enough for my immediate needs).  Since i have a webserver, i also create a web directory on my webserver and public the package, and add it to my ipkg.conf

The Problem
Now that i have a buildroot and a scripted environment with a supporting directory tree for building and publishing all kinds of packages almost automatically (My snmpd ipkg being one of them), i want to publish the fruits of my labors.  But if i release some of my packages as is, there is no differentiation between my snmpd and someone elses snmpd if a user has all of us in their ipkg.conf file.  I don't want to trample on others packages, yet i also want to ensure mine is available, since it *would* make a difference if they got my snmpd pkg vs someone elses.

The Question
Are there any package publication guidelines, naming or otherwise, or any accepted method of differentiating distributions of similar-yet-different packages?  If not, should there be?